“Back to School” Essentials


OK, I know I’m “technically” not a student anymore. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t take advantage of the back to school sales to stock up on supplies for the rest of the year. When I was a kid, back to school shopping was always my favorite. There is just something so nice about having a fresh set of everything to restart the year (even though the year is technically more than half way over) I like to think of August as a second “New Year” to refresh my plans and goals, and to keep me motivated. Nothing says motivation more than a mini shopping spree during a sale. What can I say? I love a good sale.


Pens & Pencils

Now is the time to get those pens that are so nice to write with, in bulk because they’re typically on sale for the school kids. Another good thing to grab while you’re at it is a few packs of colored pencils and art supplies for future projects.


Old habits die hard. Even though I am well aware that I’m super inconsistent, I like to use a planner to write out my work schedule, appointments, and even plan out blog posts. Trust me, I’m trying really hard to live a more organized life.


While we’re on the topic of organization (or lack thereof) I like to grab as many cute notebooks and paper as I can. The back to school stock is always really cute, and who doesn’t want a couple of cute journals to write millions of lists and ideas in?


New jeans

Honestly, I hate shopping for jeans. I always struggle to find a pair that fits me just right and is good quality without clearing out my bank account. Thanks to back to school sales, we can all get the nice jeans that will last forever, at a reasonable price. It’s a win-win.

Comfy shoes

And lastly, we all need a pair of comfy shoes. Whether it’s a new pair of work shoes, or you need some new sneakers; it’s the perfect opportunity to grab a cute pair, while there are plenty of options to choose from.

I hope you guys are with me in taking advantage of back to school shopping, whether or not you are actually a student. Let me know what’s on your back to school list!


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